Performance problems with Mail27

Original Posting: 11:45AM on September 22, 2014

We are currently experiencing minor performance issues with one of our shared mail servers,  Our Platform Administration team is currently investigating the cause and working towards a solution.

To check if you are one this mail server, simply open a command prompt and ping “”  If the returned PING value is “,” you are on this server.

Please continue to check back here periodically for updates up until the resolution.

Update as of 12:20pm on September 22, 2014

We have identified the issue to be with Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) and are currently working to modify configurations of SEP to return the server to normal performance. If you are experiencing issues with mail, please note that any incoming mail is not being lost and outgoing mail is being sent.  The majority of issues being reported are just slowness with mail.

Resolution as of 4:20pm on September 22, 2014

We have corrected the issues with Symantec Endpoint Protection and the server is performing as expected. We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused but appreciate your patience.

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