We are currently experiencing an issue when logging into Webmail by going to URLs such as http://mail.yourdomain.xyz. We are presently working on a resolution to this issue.
In the meantime, please use URL https://mail.yourdomain.xyz as this will work.
As we have more updates, we will post them here to keep you apprised of the situation.
If you have any questions, please contact our support team at 1-877-215-HOST (4678) or submit an email by logging into https://solutions.hostmysite.com.
Thank you for your patience.
** UPDATE 11:15am EST 2/12/2015 **
The issue with viewing webmail over HTTP has been resolved. You can now access your webmail at http://mail.yourdomain.com (replacing “yourdomain.com” with your own domain name).
We appreciate your patience during this matter. If you still have trouble viewing webmail over HTTP or if you have any questions, please contact Support at 1-877-215-4678 or reply to this email. Thank you!