Why We Verify

You may have noticed that whenever you call in to HostMySite or send us an email that the first thing we do is ask you to verify your account.  When you just want a quick answer to a question or you just need to check on a piece of information on your account, this can be a pain. Sometimes your wallet with the information is out in the car and you don’t really want to go all the way out there.   You might be new to the company and just recently got put in charge of the website and don’t know that information.  No matter what the situation, the representative on the phone seems to be refusing to help you with your request without that verification and it can be frustrating.

Unfortunately, internet fraud and identity theft are both so common than they have become more facts of life than rare circumstance. As an internet company, we take fraud prevention and information security very seriously. We have whole teams dedicated to the security of our datacenters servers. We have the latest and greatest security programs running 24 hours a day. Despite all of it, security can be compromised with one simple phone call if we aren’t certain that the person we are on the line with is allowed to have access.

We are not asking you to verify to be belligerent, even if it can seem like that. We do it because your security is just as important as ours. We have hundreds of people calling us up every day and as much as we enjoy having a great relationship with each and every one of our customers, it is impossible for us to know everyone just by the sound of their voice. It would be great if we could, but since we can’t, we need to make sure that everyone who calls or writes us is who they say they are.

No one really enjoys having to call in to tech support or the billing department and adding a layer of hassle onto that isn’t much fun, we understand. All we ask is that you help us help make the internet a safer place and be ready to verify when you call in. After all, nothing is more important your security in a fast moving internet, and we will do our part to keep you safe.


Guest Blogger: Jacob Jones-Goldstein – Billing Support Team Lead

Jacob-Jones-GoldsteinJacob has been on the HostMySite billing support team since 2005. Prior to HostMySite he worked as a network specialist for the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth, and their Families, as well as managing a comic book store for several years.

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