Update 1/29/2014 @ 2:00pm ***FINAL UPDATE***
We continued to monitor all outbound email traffic from our network to the AOL network over the last 24-hours and still report no delays. At this time we consider this matter closed, however, we will continue to monitor all outbound traffic to ensure continual delivery.
Update 1/28 @ 12:07pm ET
We have been working with AOL Postmaster to correct the current status of email messages going to the AOL network. At this time all mail being sent to @AOL.com addresses should be delivered with minimal delay. Any messages that have been pending over the last 24-48 hours will be delivered.
HostMySite will continue to work with AOL Postmaster to ensure mail continues to send without error.
Again, we appreciate your patience while we worked with AOL to correct this ongoing issue.
Update 1/27
Currently we have 2 of our outbound servers that are able to send mail to AOL and are working to route all mail to AOL through those servers to eliminate the email delays that have been experienced.\
At this time, delays will still be experienced.
We are still working to comply with their mail delivery criteria and will continue to update this blog post with information as we have it available.
Update 1/23:
We have attempted to add some additional automated reporting from AOL but have not received any data from that either. Additionally, we are attempting to set up some new servers that are separate from the systems that AOL is blocking and has some additional filtering on it to route delayed email through. Once these systems are functioning correctly, we will process all delayed email through it gradually. We will update again once this server is functioning and delivering mail. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this.