Network Outage

[Update: Tuesday Oct. 28, 3:55PM]
The Reason for Outage notice has been published and may be viewed at

[Original Post: Saturday Oct. 25, 10:26PM]
Beginning Sat, Oct. 25, at approximately 8PM EST we began experiencing a network issues at our Newark, DE Data Center. This included problems accessing HostMySite, including and the Customer Control Panel/Portal. Technicians have been troubleshooting the issues and many services haves since been restored. We do apologize for the delay in notification and any inconvenience.

If you are encountering any issues with a website or servers, please call us at 1-877-215-4678 (outside US please call +1-302-731-4948) or email and we will attempt to assist as quickly as possible.

We will post a Reason for Outage notice within the next 48 hours.

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