Major Platform Upgrade

=== Update 10am EDT ===

The upgrade is nearly complete, but is extending beyond our original maintenance window. We’re working as hard as we can and expect to have the control panel back on-line within the hour.


Over the next two evenings, we will be upgrading our hosting platform to the latest version of Parallels Automation. In addition to addressing numerous quirks and performance tweaks, this major update enables support for two key technologies: APS 2.0, and Parallels Cloud Server. So what are these new features, and what do they mean for you?

APS 2.0

APS stands for “Application Packaging Standard” and is the framework by which different services are integrated into the control panel and provisioned. Version 2.0 addresses a fundamental weakness in APS – customization of the user experience and workflows. APS 2.0 introduces an open HTML 5 framework – which gives us a lot more flexibility when it comes to designing workflows and screens within the control panel.

What does this mean for you? Look for improvements in usability and more dynamic / interactive screens within the control panel (for example: live CPU and RAM utilization graphs for VPS accounts) over the next few months.

Parallels Cloud Server

The latest version of Parallels Cloud Server is amazing. It combines the performance of locally attached storage with the fault tolerance and reliability of SAN / Network Storage. It does this via a distributed storage array, and is able to reallocate resources seamlessly in the event of a hardware failure. Unlike VPS, Parallels Cloud Server is a true hypervisor-based solution, so each virtual machine runs its own operating system – and is therefore more of a true “cloud” instance.

What does this mean for you? It’s a brand new hosting option – more powerful and flexible than a VPS, and easier to manage and more reliable than a dedicated server. Look for our new Cloud Hosting plans within the next 30 days!

Bonus Features

In addition to major items above, the 5.5 upgrade also includes a ton of minor tweaks and enhancements. One such enhancement is an update to the file manager within the control panel that adds more functionality and a cleaner user interface. Another commonly requested feature is also included: support for domain aliases. Many other updates apply to the back-end architecture and should improve performance on both the server farm and the back-end management interface.

We hope you enjoy some of the new features and functionality that we will be introducing both this week, and throughout the year as we strive to deliver the very best customer experience possible.

John Enright

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